Avenir nursery school is a nursery school that intergrates both nursery and cram school elements together.

Company-led nursery school under the jurisdiction of the Children and Families Agency.

facebook access tel:03-5477-0130

Avenir nursery school is a nursery school that intergrates both nursery and cram school elements together.

Nursery School of the New Up-and Coming approach that integrates both nursery and cram school elements. Nursery School of the New Up-and Coming approach that integrates both nursery and cram school elements.

We create our own unique curriculums together with our English and Chinese specialist speaking teachers.

We will begin to our nursery school tour of admission from April 2025 from January 2025.
We assume it entering the nursery school from the company frame with precedence.
Please click here to find more information about “Empty-Handed Childcare”.

We create our own unique curriculums together with our English and Chinese specialist speaking teachers.

We will begin to our nursery school tour of admission from April 2025 from January 2025.
We assume it entering the nursery school from the company frame with precedence.
Please click here to find more information about “Empty-Handed Childcare”.

What is Avenir?

In addition to teaching childcare in three different languages, including Baby sign,Montessori education, Science, Numbers,
Letters and Music activities focus on expression and movement.

Little souvenirs are prepared as we hope to create a relaxing time for children and parents from the nursery.
We prepare a variety of events and provide such as DVD which including English and Chinese lessons
for a precious memories of child’s growth.

As all items used in the nursery are managed and washed by the nursery so there is no use of bringing cloths.
We reduce a burden of parents when enrolling to the nursery by having prepared all the items.

For More Details

Avenir’s Initiative

We have three classes as 0 and 1 and 2-year-old class according to age.
We put them apart in order to create a unique curriculum suitable for each stage of development properly.
We provide an environment to ensure that your child will be healthy and enjoyable during the time in the nursery.
All of the staff has the quality which above the national standards, whom hold qualifications or are in the process of obtaining qualifications, and use their wealth of knowledge and experience to provide daily childcare.

Avenir Cheer

We provide support services the burden on parents,
such as courier service,shopping service,cleaning service.
Please use these full and have a relaxing time with your child at home.
These services are only available for the families of children at the Avenir Nursery.
We also explain it at the time of the use.


Event Blog

  • 2025.02.01


    皆さん、こんにちは うみ組、そら組保育士の石川です。 今年もやってきました。 新...

Event Blog List

English & Chinese Blog

  • 2025.01.06


    元旦快乐。 *「元」有開始之意,「旦」指天明的意思。元旦便是一年開始的第一天,也被稱...

English & Chinese Blog List

Staff Blog

  • 2025.01.31


    皆さんこんにちは。 アベニール保育園は施設の設立から7年が経ち、今まで使ってきた保育...

Staff Blog List

0 Year Old Blog

  • 2025.02.05

    1月20日〜1月25日の献立 🍚うみ組🍚

    1月3週目、1年で1番寒い時期に入りました。暖かくお過ごしてください。 今週の献立、ご...

0 Year Old Blog List

1 Year Old Blog

  • 2025.02.05

    1月20日〜1月25日の献立 🍚そら組🍚

    1月3週目、1年で1番寒い時期に入りました。暖かくお過ごしてください。 今週の献立、ご...

1 Year Old Blog List

2 Years Old Blog

  • 2025.02.05

    1月20日〜1月25日の献立 🍚にじ組🍚

    1月3週目、1年で1番寒い時期に入りました。暖かくお過ごしてください。 今週の献立、ご...

2 Years Old Blog List
Inquiries About Admission Inquiries