Singing with Finger puppets♬
0歳児 子どもたちの日々の様子 英語・中国語
Singing with Finger puppets♬
こんにちは。 にじ組 丸山です。
「Hello! How are you,today?」のご挨拶にも手を挙げたり「あ〜」お返事したりとコミュニケーションを楽しんでいるうみ組さん☺︎
今月は『Finger family』のお歌に合わせて♪^○^)♪動物の指人形と楽しんでいます♪ また歌おうね⭐︎
Hello this is Nijigumi’s teacher Maruyama.
The children from Umigumi have become able to reply to the greeting in the song “Hello! How are you today?” by raising their hands. They are really enjoying communicating with others.
They are happily singing the song of this month “Finger family” with the animal puppets!(^○^)♪
Let’s sing along together again sometime⭐︎
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