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Where’s my mummy ❓

2022.9.10 0歳児 英語・中国語

Where’s my mummy ❓


今週、うみ組の皆さんは英語の挨拶を復習しながら、「where’s my mummy」の絵本を読み聞かせしました😊👏

Hello, this is Tsukiyama,  teaching children Chinese and English.

This week, children of Umi class reviewed how to say hello and read a book called “where’s my mummy “.


Children are all like “hello “ song very much. When I started sing the song, children listened very carefully and they also tried to sing the song with me.



They are listening the story and having a log of fun.


What will the children react for the next lesson?  We really can’t wait for that.