こんにちは! そら組英語講師のシェンです。
Hello! I am Shen, the English instructor of Sora class.
We are now studying about food in English.
We spread the cards on the table and play like “Karita” in English.
The children showed the cards to me in their happy face☺️
In the middle of the game, a new friend joined us and we kept the game. They collected the cards they liked and put them in order as they like.
今回使ったカードにはバーコードがついていて、専用の機器で音声も聞けます。The cards we used this time have the barcode on them and we can listen to the sound by using a small player.
But this time I myself repeated the words and they followed after me.
Next time, I want them to build up a sentence by using these cards.
Let’s enjoy learning English with me!
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