Hello, this is Kae who is the English/Chinese teacher of Rainbow class .
This time I want to introduce the English lesson of teacher Lisa who is in charge of English & Chinese. She always greets everyone with a lovely smile and very popular among children.
In the lesson, we challenged a quiz with 「ABC 」book.
例えば:Q:「Aは?」 A:「Apple🍎」。
We reviewed the name of animals in English with a music picture book. Children put them hands up and answered the question against “what’s this” in the turn.
Q:「ニャ〜」、これは誰ですか? A:cat
At the end, we played an animal impersonation game.
Q: “Nya~”, Who is this? A: cat
楽しくレッスンに参加したにじ組さんは素敵でした!また一緒に楽しみましょう!See you👐
Rainbow class who participated in the lesson happily was wonderful! Let’s have fun together another time! See you👐
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