こんにちは。そら組 保育士/英語講師の丸山です。
Hello! I am Maruyama, the Head English Instructor and also in charge of Sora Class.
It has already been 8 month since the children joined Sora class.
During the first half of the year, they mainly enjoyed dancing, playing with the cards and so on. However nowadays, they can speak English as the teachers say and even try to say the words they know spontaneously.
This week, they tried to match the alphabet with the picture and they could do it without any problem!🎵
They liked the cards and started the game soon!☺️
The children pick up the alphabet and put it on the card finding the right angle. The instructor has to be patient and wait for them to find the right place and be content.☘️
After the several challenges, they could find the right card and right angle quickly. This time, they used only 3 cards but maybe next time they will try 5 cards. I am sure they can handle it quickly enough!🙌
文字をはめた後は、単語を声に出して確認します。Mは、エム、という名前がありますが、音は、ムッ ということをこのカードで学びます。このルールをフォニックスと呼びます。
After finishing, we pronounce the word together. M the name is ‘em’ but it has also the sound of ‘m’. They can learn this rule , which is phonics.
You can learn about phonic with a lot of fun through these cards. We will use them regularly Let’s have fun together!✨✨✨
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