The hot days still continue. This is Tsukiyama, teaching children Chinese and English. Children of rainbow class learned countries and national flags by english this week. We read books about world map and played national flags card game together. It was so much fun that made us feel like having a world travel 💫
First, we learned national flags. There are so many kinds of colors and shapes on the flags. We talked about them with each other.
まず、国旗の色や形をしっくり観察しながら、どの国の国旗なのか、みんなで話しました^ – ^
“Look at this, there are so many stars!”,”Oh, but on this national flat, there’re only 5 stars!”… Children can learn a lot of knowledge by watching by themselves carefully.
「この国に国旗、星がたくさんある‼️」、「えっ、この国なら、星が5個だけ⁉️」。。。自分でよく見ると、いろいろ新しい発見がありますね^ – ^
Some children said”Here, it’s a long building!^_^” Yes, well done. It’s called the Great Wall, which is located in China. It is definitely very very long and I hope you could see the real one in the future.
It was really fun to read books about world heritage site together.
「ここに、長い建物があるよ‼️」とにっこり教えてくれる子どもがいます。よく見つけましたね。これは中国の万里の長城です。とても長いです。みんなも大きくになったら、ぜひ見に行ってくださいね^ – ^ 世界遺産などをみんなで一緒に本で巡り、とても楽しかったです。
Learning English and enjoy it are very important for the children.
We’re looking forward to the next lesson.
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