【うみ組🏖️ 保育士の津波古と英語、中国語講師の三山より】
Children of Umi class really enjoyed their English lessons.😍
We did not often change a song until children had listened enough times, it was good to help children understand song lyrics or remember some part of the rhythm.
We usually used some toys which was familiar for the children in the lesson, like some dolls or picture cards,in order to keep children’s lively attentiveness.
Some children could rise their hands when teacher said hello to them, and they could come up to touch teacher ‘s hand when they heard “give me a hight five”.
We will create the attractive lesson through their daily life next year, too.
【そら組✈️ 保育士/英語講師の丸山と英語、中国語講師の築山より】
The children of Sola class enjoyed the English this year. All of them learn a lot of English by playing game and reading books.
The children of Sola class like dancing by English song very much. At first,
We danced and sang with music.
Then they could sit together and listen to the English story with their friends quietly.😊
Recently, some of children even could play and enjoy the alphabets game by themselves .
春から9ヶ月、とても大きく成長しました。来年の英語レッスンも、静と動活動を通し、たくさん楽しみましょう^ ^
The children of sola class did really good job and learned a lot of English.
We are sure they will do their best next year.Let’s enjoy the lesson together:-)
【にじ組🏖️ 保育士の山根と英語/中国語講師の李より】
今年もたくさん、笑ったり泣いたりしました。自分が何を好きなのかが、どんどんわかるようになってきています。普段の会話でも、「これはなんですか?」「英語は?」「これはapple、It’s an apple 」というような会話が多くなっています。
The children laughed and cried a lot this year ,too. They started to understand more and more of English even in everyday conversations.
We often hear the conversations such as “What is this?”, “What does it say in English?” or “It’s an apple” .
And also, they learn English by playing in the park and singing songs outside.
We will prepare a rich environment where the children can talk and have fun with English for this precious time until their graduation.
In each class, we provide fun language education curriculum according to age.
We hope that you will continue to kindly help the nursery next year.
W will do our best and Thank you for your contained cooperation.
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