Things that go 🚌🌈
Things that go 🚌🌈
Hello, this is Tsukiyama, teaching children English and Chinese. The topic of this month is things that go. In order to learn this topic, we sang songs and played cards game together today.
Card game
According to the card game, children learned how to say thing that go in English. All of them listened very carefully, and tried their best to repeat the words teacher said. All of the children did really good job!
皆さんは大好きの「wheels on the bus」をジェスチャーしながら、歌を歌いました🎵 とてもノリノリの皆さんでした^_^
All of the children like the song “wheels on the bus” very much. They made gestures and sang the song happily.
Playing games and singing songs are very fun. We are looking forward to the next English lesson.
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